Development of innovative strategies within the framework of STEM education initiatives
Descubre Robótica
The vision of the Descubre Robótica program is to transform the everyday and inspire the next generation. The digital equipment and software used, the promotion and correct use of renewable energies, knowledge of the network infrastructure and solutions for multi-physical problems show young people the possibilities and the great things that can be achieved in the world through engineering.
With our personalized direction and follow-up for each participant, we are passionate about encouraging young people to pursue a career in the field of technology and engineering to develop discipline, skills and rewarding experiences in engineering that transform and improve their lives.
The STEM education approach is incomplete without art and literature. Project-based learning is an ideal way to master STEAM or STREAM skills in a way that feels relevant to students.
This is how projects help students master useful skills, continue to learn in a fun way, and allow themselves to direct the course of their own education. That's a win for everyone.
A PBL pedagogy, Descubre Robótica enables you to track, assess, and showcase your innovative learning at scale, all on a platform where fully customized tools are at your disposal.
Nowadays, we live in a society where parents or guardians work full time. STREAM education (Science - Technology -Reading & wRiting - Engineering - Arts & Design - Math) becomes an external resource that benefits the development of thought, with experimentation, from preschool ages to youth and adults.
If we begin to guide critical thinking, dialogue and research early on, we are forming a generation of citizens who will actively develop the recognition of a problem in such a way that they will seek solutions with their already solid skills and creativity.

Structural knowledge is knowing how different concepts relate to each other. You are looking for a mental model of everything you know about a certain topic (which we call domain). Thus, we seek this information to make the necessary predictions and inferences so that our participants are able to solve problems recognizing their multi-physical environment.
The best way to assess students' structural knowledge is to describe the relationship between the concepts associated with the Descubre Robótica I.D.E.A.S program. That they be able to describe and evaluate their own performance, to constantly prepare themselves with clear expectations.
Therefore, a custom rubric is created for each participant, which typically looks like a scale or set of scales that describe different levels of performance.
Good rubrics do more than make projects easier to assess and help them evolve; they also help students become more self-directed and self-assessed learners.
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